Using Themes

Using the default theme

AmityUIKit uses the default theme as part of the design language.

Theme customization

Without customization, the UIKit already looks good. However, if you wish to customize the theme, you can declare changes to both colors and typography. The tables below shows the default theme values.


UIKit uses a small set of declared colors to simplify the design task for developers. These colours are automatically rendered at appropriate shades to communicate states and interaction to the users.


This is what the structure looks like if you are just using the default theme.

const defaultTheme = {
  palette: {
    alert: '#FA4D30',
    base: '#292B32',
    primary: '#1054DE',
    secondary: '#FFD400',
    tertiary: '#FF305A',
    neutral: '#17181C',
    highlight: '#1054DE',

    system: {
      borders: '#ebecef',
      background: '#fff',

  typography: {
    global: {
      fontFamily: 'Inter, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Arial, sans-serif',
      fontStyle: 'normal',
    headline: {
      fontWeight: 600,
      fontSize: '20px',
    title: {
      fontWeight: 600,
      fontSize: '16px',
    body: {
      fontWeight: 'normal',
      fontSize: '14px',
    bodyBold: {
      fontWeight: 600,
      fontSize: '14px',
    caption: {
      fontWeight: 'normal',
      fontSize: '12px',
    captionBold: {
      fontWeight: 600,
      fontSize: '12px',

To customize your own theme:

const myTheme = {
  //...partial representation of the defaultTheme

<AmityUiKitProvider theme={myTheme} ... />

Custom theme will be applied on top of default theme so you don't need to provide all the values. The default values will be used if there are some customizations that are missing.

Last updated