Community Membership

You can get a list of community members through AmityCommunityParticipation class. It exposes getMembers method which accepts membershipOptions and sortBy parameters.

  • The membershipOptions parameter can have the following filters:

    • .none - filters all non-members in a community

    • .member - filters all unbanned members in a community

    • .ban - filters all banned members in a community

  • The roles parameter filter members by specific role.

    To query members with the default moderator roles assigned, you can use 'channel-moderator' , 'community-moderator'. At this moment, we do not have a way to query for member-only roles. However, if you have assigned a custom role to a member in the community, you can pass in the roleId of the custom role to filter members by this role.

Please note that you can only assign custom roles to a member in a community via the SDK. This feature is not yet available in the Amity Console.

If you assign a custom role to a user via the Amity console, the role will only be applied at the user level and not at the community level, and if you try to query for a member with this custom role, no results will be returned.

  • sortBy - sorting method to arrange the returned collection. The possible values are: (see CommunitySortingMethod)

    • 'firstCreated'

    • 'lastCreated'

    • 'displayName'

  • search - query string

Passing an empty option set for membershipOptions parameter will default to .member. This means that the result for both sample code below is the same.

Same class provides addMembers(_:) and removeMembers(_:) which can be used to add or remove users from the community.

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