Image Post

To create an image post, images must be uploaded first. SDK provides a convenient class AmityFileRepository to handle upload and download images. The repository contains uploadImage method which takes Uri and provides you with an array of AmityUploadResult for successful upload or failed uploads. AmityUploadResult could return four possible types of data.

  • AmityUploadResult.PROGRESS indicates an uploading state of the current upload and returns AmityUploadInfo to track the progress of the upload.

  • AmityUploadResult.COMPLETE indicates a successful state of the current upload and returns AmityImage to attach.

  • AmityUploadResult.ERROR(exception) indicates a failure state of the current upload and attach Exception.

  • AmityUploadResult.CANCELLED indicates a canceled state of the current upload.

A post can have a maximum of ten images.

Now to create the image post. We can build the post first by using AmityImagePostCreator.Builder. Then use the same createPost method in AmityFeedRepository to create an image post.

Create an image post with mention

When creating an image post with mention, you can provide the JsonObject for the metadata parameter and provide the list of userId for the mentionUsers parameter.

To render mention, refer to Rendering Mention section.

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