Community Moderation

Adding and removing community members can be done using the functions addCommunityMembers and removeCommunityMembers respectively. These functions accept an array of strings as an argument that contains the user IDs of the members that you want to add or remove.

Add Members

Remove Members

You can also add or remove roles using addCommunityMembersRoles or removeCommunityMembersRoles functions respectively. These functions accept an array of strings as an argument that contains the roles that you want to add or remove from a specific user.

Add Roles

Remove Roles

You can add or remove default roles as well as custom roles.


  1. The channel creator is automatically assigned as the channel moderator.

  2. The previous/last moderator is not allowed to leave a community and an error is displayed.

  3. The channel moderator can promote a user/member to moderator.

  4. The channel moderator can demote a moderator to a user/member.

This applies only to Live and Community channels’. This does not apply to Conversation Channel.

Amity Channels provides a way to moderate the channel by banning or unbanning users. banChannelMembers and unbanChannelMembers methods accept an array of user ids to ban and unban respectively.

Ban Users

Un-ban Users

Last updated