Querying Messages

To query for a list of all messages in a channel:

let messageRepository = AmityMessageRepository(client: client)
var token: AmityNotificationToken?


func queryMessagesExample() {
    let messagesCollection = messageRepository.getMessages(channelId: "channelId",
                                                           includingTags: [],
                                                           excludingTags: [],
                                                           filterByParentId: false,
                                                           parentId: nil,
                                                           reverse: false)
    token = messagesCollection.observe { collection, change, error in
        for message in collection.allObjects() {
            // For example, to handle each message in the list.

func queryMessagesWithTagsExample() {
    // Queries messages from tags which are containing "games", but exclude ones containing "staff-only".
    let messagesCollection = messageRepository.getMessages(channelId: "channelId",
                                                           includingTags: ["games"],
                                                           excludingTags: ["staff-only"],
                                                           filterByParentId: false,
                                                           parentId: nil,
                                                           reverse: false)
    token = messagesCollection.observe { collection, change, error in
        for message in collection.allObjects() {
            // For example, to handle each message in the list.

func queryChildrenMessagesExample(){
    // A query for children messages belongs to the parentId.
    // Please note that `parentId` is required, along with `filterByParentId` must be true.
    let childrenMessagesCollection = messageRepository.getMessages(channelId: "channelId",
                                                                   includingTags: [],
                                                                   excludingTags: [],
                                                                   filterByParentId: true,
                                                                   parentId: "message-123",
                                                                   reverse: false)
    token = childrenMessagesCollection.observe { collection, change, error in
        for message in collection.allObjects() {
            // For example, to handle each message in the list.

This method will return a LiveObject of all messages in the specified channel. You can observe the LiveObject in order to update your view whenever you receive new messages.


When querying messages, you cannot set limit, skip, after, first, before, and last parameters. By default, number of items in each page is 20. To handle pagination to load more messages, refer to Pagination in Live Objects.

Get single message for some message

To get a specific message:

func getParticularMessageExample() {
    let messageObject = messageRepository.getMessage("messageId")
    token = messageObject?.observe { message, error in
       // Do something with the message

Message First Fetch

While the SDK will always return messages in chronological order, developers can ask for the messages to begin from the top of the recyclerview or the bottom of the recyclerview depeding on scrolling direction.

var messagesCollection: AmityCollection<AmityMessage>?
var token: AmityNotificationToken?


func observeMessageCollection() {
    // Call this function once to start observing message collection.
    messagesCollection = messageRepository.getMessages(channelId: "channelId",
                                                       includingTags: [],
                                                       excludingTags: [],
                                                       filterByParentId: false,
                                                       parentId: nil,
                                                       reverse: false)
    token = messagesCollection?.observe { collection, change, error in
        for message in collection.allObjects() {
            // For example, to handle each message in the list.

func loadPreviousMessages() {
    // When necessary load more (older) messages.
    // If there are any older messages, the observe block in `observeMessageCollection()` will be automatically triggered.

There are other situations where fetching the oldest messages is preferred, for example for archiving purposes or in community forums.

func loadNextMessage() {
    // When necessary load more (newer) messages.
    // If there is any newer messages, the observe block in `observeMessageCollection()` will be automatically triggered.

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