Message bubble

UIKit allows all types of message bubble to be replaced.

Text message bubble

Image massage bubble.

Audio message bubble


To customize message UI, create a new UITableViewCell and conform to AmityMessageCellProtocol.

import UIKit
import AmityUIKit

class CustomTableViewCell: UITableViewCell, AmityMessageCellProtocol {
    func display(message: AmityMessageModel) {
        // Do stuff
import UIKit
import AmityUIKit

class ClientViewController: UIViewController {
    override func viewDidLoad() {
    @IBAction func showChatPage(_ sender: UIButton) {
        let chatVC = AmityChatHomePageViewController.make()
        chatVC.messageDataSource = self
        present(recentChatVC, animated: true)

extension ClientViewController: AmityMessageListDataSource {
    func cellForMessageTypes() -> [AmityMessageTypes: AmityMessageCellProtocol.Type] {
        return [.textIncoming: CustomTableViewCell.self]

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