Community Post Settings

Introducing AmityCommunityPostSettings with enhanced options to create post.

There are 3 possible options for AmityCommunityPostSettings.

  • AmityCommunityPostSettings.anyoneCanPost : Anyone can create the post and add to the community feed immediately.

  • AmityCommunityPostSettings.adminReviewPostRequired : Allow users to create posts in a community. Then, create another layer of moderation to allow community moderators to decide whether the post should reflect on the community feed.

  • AmityCommunityPostSettings.onlyAdminCanPost : Allow only community moderators to create a post in the community.

You can check community post settings by calling property postSettings . This property returns AmityCommunityPostSettings.

Create Community

If you want to create a community and need to review post before they're added to your community feed, you can call the following:

Note. The isPostReviewEnabled value is published by default. if you do not call this function, a post of member will be shown on community feed immediately without reviewing.

Update Community

If you want to update a community and change the status of isPostReviewEnable, you can call the following:

Post Count with FeedType

AmityCommunity model allows user to get post count by feed type .

AmityCommunity model allows user to get status of isPostReviewEnabled


If you want to check the permissions of a post in review for a community, you can use this enum.

AmityPermission.reviewCommunityPost by following this

Post Approval

Create Community

If you want to create a community and need to review post before they're added to your community feed, you can call the following:

Note: The isPostReviewEnabled value is published by default. If you do not call this function, a post of member will be shown on community feed immediately without reviewing.

Last updated