Delete Comments

There are two kinds of comments deletion:

  1. Soft delete

    The comment is only marked as deleted. This means that the comment still exists in the database but the isDeleted flag is set to true.

  2. Hard delete

    The comment data, along with its reactions and children comments, are removed from the database. Thus, all data related to the comment will be lost and irretrievable. Hard deleting children comments will not delete the parent comment.

    Hard delete is applicable for posts and comments only. You cannot hard delete Users and Communities.

    Hard deleting posts, as well as comments, is only supported via SDK. Console support may be considered in the future.

Only the owner of the comment or an admin can update and/or delete a comment.

In deleting a comment, you need to pass the commentId and a boolean parameter. Set the parameter to true for hard delete and false for soft delete.

If you will not specify the boolean parameter, it will be set to false by default which is just equivalent to a soft delete.

Last updated