Channel Management

Channel Members

When a user joins a channel, they can watch and chat with other users in that channel. They are also automatically considered a member of that channel. With the Chat SDK, you can see which users are currently in the channel and invite other users to join the channel.

Channel Type

Discoverable by

Message sending privileges

Moderation access

SDK Supported


All users and admins

Users and admins

All Moderation tools



Only members and admins

Users and admins

All Moderation tools



All users and admins


Admin Moderation tools



Only members


No Moderation tools


Each channel is identified by a unique channelId, which is any string that uniquely identifies the channel and is immutable through its lifetime. When creating channels, you can specify your own channelId, or leave it to Amity to automatically generate one for you.

There are 4 channel types:

  • Community: a channel that is discoverable by all users

  • Live: a channel that is discoverable only if user is already added as a member

  • Broadcast: a channel that limits message creation to only Admin user. Message can only be created from Console

  • Conversation: a one-to-one chat that once created will not be available on Admin panel

There are three ways of obtaining an AmityChannel object: via,

  • create method

  • join method

  • get method

AmityChannel management methods are all contained in the AmityChannelRepository class. To get an instance of AmityChannelRepository:

Create Channel

The SDK provides 2 typical ways of channel creation.

  1. Channel creation with specific channelId.

  2. Channel creation with auto-generation of channelId.

The channel creation API guarantees that the requested channel is a new channel. If the channel already exists, the error will be an AmityExceptionwith code 400900

The createChannel() method initiates channel creation method chain and let you choose which channel type to be created.

To let SDK handle channelId generation, uses withDisplayName() method to skip channelId specification.

Create Community Channel

Create Live Channel

Create Conversation Channel

Channel of type Conversation can also be created with createChannel() method chain. However, the channelId is always being generated by SDK.

To create a conversation channel with a user, pass the user's userId to withUserId() method.

Conversation channel is unique based on its membership. When creating conversation, the system will check if a channel with the same membership already exists. If such channel already exists, the system will return the existing channel instead of creating a new one.

Join Channel

The joinChannel() method adds the active user as a member of the channel.This API can be called as many times as needed. If the channel has already been joined, a "success" result is returned, ie, going into doOnSuccess{}block.

Leave Channel

The leaveChannel() method removes the active user as a member of the channel. When a user leaves a channel, they can no longer receive messages from that channel.

Get Channel

In case you only want to retrieve the data of a channel without connecting it, you can use the method getChannel():

Channel Query

The AmityChannelRepository provides the getChannels() method, which initiates the channel query method chain. The query returns <Flowable<PagedList<AmityChannel>, which represents all matching available channels.

Edit Channel

All channels have the following properties:

  • Channel display name

  • Channel Avatar

  • Tags

  • Metada

Edit Data

Every channel contains an optional displayName , avatar and tags property with the following method:

Edit Metadata

Metadata is a general purpose data store that is automatically synchronized to all users of a channel. It is designed to store contextual information about a specific channel. The metadata is a JSON object which can store any number of JSON key-value pairs up to 100 kb. Example use cases include:

  • Conversation title or cover photo

  • Global conversation settings

Metadata is implemented with last writer wins semantics on the entire store. This means that multiple mutations by independent users to the metadata object will result in a single stored value. The metadata object set by last user overrides any previous values. No locking, merging, or other coordination is performed across participants.

To set metadata, simply call the following method:

Search Channel User

Last updated