Viewing post content

Post with images or files follow Parent - Child relationship. Each uploaded image/file will be a separate child post. Any text that you set while creating an image/file post will act as a Parent post. Parent post contains childrenPosts property which gives you an array of AmityPost.

Viewing Image from post

To get an image URL:

Calling getUrl() without specifying image size returns a URL of a medium-size image. Use the appropriate image size depending on your use-case to save bandwidth.

  • SMALL is used for image thumbnails, with a maximum image size of 160 pixels per dimension. For example, this should be used for small previews in an image gallery that displays a large number of images in a grid.

  • MEDIUM is used for standard image display, with a maximum image size of 600 pixels per dimension.

  • LARGE is used for full-screen image display, with a maximum image size of 1500 pixels per dimension.

  • FULL is used to get the original image. This size is only valid if the image is uploaded with the method isFullImage() set to true. If a FULL sized image is not available, a LARGE sized image will be returned instead.

Render image with Glide

To render image with Picasso

Viewing file from post

To get file URL and file name:

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