Installing UIKit

Create a project

Go to Xcode and create a project for iOS.

  1. Enter a project name

  2. Select Swift as your language option

Install the SDK

UIKit for iOS supports both Carthage and CocoaPods.


Carthage is a decentralised dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks. To integrate the Amity Social UIKit. First add the following to your Cartfile.

binary "" ~> 1.0.0   

Now you can install Amity Social UIKit into your project by running the following command.

$ carthage update UpstraUIKit


If you are using CocoaPods to integrate Amity Social UIKit into your Xcode project. First, open a terminal and run this command to create Podfile.

$ pod init

Then, add the following lines to the Podfile

# platform :ios, '9.0'

source ""

target 'SampleApp' do
  # Comment the next line if you don't want to use dynamic frameworks

  # Pods for SampleApp1
    pod 'UpstraUIKit', '~>1.0.0'


Now you can install Amity Social UIKit into your project.

$ pod install

After finished installing SDK through Carthage or CocoaPods. You will be able to import UpstraUIKit.

import UpstraUIKit

Please check if you have git-lfs installed and clear cocoapod cache before running install again

To clear cache please go to ~/Library/Caches/Cocoapods/ and remove Amity SDK folder - you should be able to run a clean install afterward

If this doesn't work, please do visit the cocoapod Github repo for further resolutions.

Last updated