iOS UIKit v2.0.0 Migration Guide

This guide is to provide information about breaking changes and how to migrate to the AmityUIKit 2.0.0 version.

AmityUIKit 2.0.0 is the major release of our UIKit. As a major release, following Semantic Versioning conventions, 2.0.0 introduces API-breaking changes. This guide covers all the breaking changes and has been created to ease the transition from older UIKit version (i.e UIKit below 2.0.0) to AmityUIKit 2.0.0.


1.UpstraUikit module has been renamed to AmityUIKit .So import UpstraUikit needs to be changed to import AmityUIKit.

import UpstraUIKit

needs to be changed to

import AmityUIKit

2. All the public classes & interfaces which uses Eko prefix has been changed to use Amity prefix. For Example, UpstraUIKitManager has been changed to AmityUIKitManager.

UpstraUIKitManager.registerDevice(withUserId: "USER_ID", displayName: "DISPLAY_NAME"))

needs to be changed to

AmityUIKitManager.registerDevice(withUserId: "USER_ID", displayName: "DISPLAY_NAME"))

Last updated