Install Chat SDK

The Chat SDK for iOS is delivered as a binary .xcframework file

Install: Homebrew

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Paste that in a macOS Terminal or Linux shell prompt; see more instruction at

Install: git-lfs using: brew install git-lfs

Starting from version 4.3, the use of the .xcframework will reduce the required number of installation steps and also support the use of same binary, even when the Xcode version changes. We also include an additional framework as a dependency: Realm.

In order to properly install the SDK, you must make sure to import and link both frameworks. XCFrameworks for both realm & our Chat SDK are bundled together for your convenience, this can be downloaded using the link below:

Download the iOS SDK

Manual Installation

  • Drag EkoChat.xcframework and Realm.xcframework to your project's Embedded Binaries. Make sure that Copy items if needed is selected and click Finish. Also switch the Embed section as Embed & Sign.

Carthage Installation

Carthage is a decentralised dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks. To integrate the Amity Chat SDK, add the following line of code to your Cartfile.

binary "" ~> 4.x.x

Cocoapod Installation

To integrate the Amity Chat SDK into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify the following line of code in your Podfile:

pod 'EkoChat', :source => ""

Please check if you have git-lfs installed and clear cocoapod cache before running install again

To clear cache please go to ~/Library/Caches/Cocoapods/ and remove Amity SDK folder - you should be able to run a clean install afterward

If this doesn't work, please do visit the cocoapod Github repo for further resolutions.

Migration to XCFramework

Here are the steps to migrate from the previous version of our SDK to the new .xcframework

  1. Remove and unlink EkoChat.framework and Realm.framework from your project.

  2. Remove custom Run Script Phase that is required for the version prior to v4.3. is no longer required, since .xcframework automatically handles the fat binary issue.

  3. Copy and link EkoChat.xcframework and Realm.xcframework to your project. And set Embed & Sign.

Last updated