Android UIKit v2.0.0 Migration Guide

AmityUIKit 2.0.0 is the major release of our UIKit. As a major release, following Semantic Versioning conventions, 2.0.0 introduces API-breaking changes. This guide covers all the breaking changes and has been created to ease the transition from older UIKit version (i.e UIKit below 2.0.0) to AmityUIKit 2.0.0.


upstra-uikit module has been renamed to amity-uikit So, in your build.gradle

implementation 'com.github.EkoCommunications.UpstraUIKitAndroid:upstra-uikit:x.y.z'

needs to be changed to

implementation 'com.github.AmityCo.Amity-Social-Cloud-UIKit-Android:amity-uikit:x.y.z'

All the public classes & interfaces which uses Eko prefix has been changed to use Amity prefix. For Example, EkoUIKitClient has been changed to AmityUIKitClient.

Last updated