Update rate limit of a channel

Rate limiting a channel controls the speed of messages that is published to all concurrent clients in the channel

This method is useful when there is a large amount of messages going through the channel, which can make the message stream hard to follow. Setting a rate limit enables the SDK to queue up messages once the amount of message in a specified window exceeds the defined limit, allowing a slower stream of messages to be published to the user at the expense of adding more latency (because newer messages will be sent to the queue first and not delivered until all previous queued messages are delivered).

There is an internal limit of 1000 messages that can be queued by the rate limit service, if more than 1000 messages are queued up, the system may skip publishing the older messages in order to make room for newer messages. We believe this is the preferred behavior for users, as users will most likely want to see newer messages in a real-time conversation instead of waiting for a significant amount of time for old messages to be published to them first.

Note that the SDK permanently stores all messages it receives in the system before the rate limit comes into effect: in the case of a large spike of incoming messages, even if a message did not get published to a user in real-time, that user can still scroll up to see message history and see that past message.

  period: 600,
  rateLimit: 5,
  rateLimitWindow: 60,
}).catch(error => {

The above method enables a rate limit of 5 messages every 60 seconds. Once a user sends more than 5 messages in 60 seconds, their messages will be queued on the server and not published to other channel members until 60 seconds have passed.

In order to disable the rate limit, simply call removeRateLimit():

repository.removeRateLimit().catch(error => {

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