Breaking Changes (Announcement)

Archived Documentation for v4.8 and older

Maintenance Strategy for Breaking Changes

  • EkoSDK 4.8 and UIKit 1.12 will be the last version to contain the prefix Eko, Upstra ,and Sonarkit. New features WILL NOT be added to these older versions any longer. We will only maintain these older versions for critical issues and bug-fixes. Whenever a hot-fix is made available, it will be rerouted back to historical ASC SDK & UIKit, respectively, regardless of the current latest versioning

  • ASC SDK 5.0 and ASC UIKit 2.0 will be introduced as a modularized category of changes and advancement. New features will only be added to these versions and those to come, above i.e. v5.1, v5.2 and so on and so forth

  • EkoSDK 4.8 and UIKit 1.12 will be supported for critical issues for a period of 6 months only. After which the window period will expire and EkoSDK 4.8 and UIKit 1.12 will be officially discontinued and no longer supported.

Follow / unfollow Limited Availability Announcement

After the launch of our Amity Social features that allow customers around the world to build their own social network and grow their own community of users within the safety net of their own brands, our customers and the community they have built has grown much quicker than we originally anticipated - from building community of travelers to engaging sports-fans around the world.

In order to handle the massive spike in workloads from growing number of customers whilst making sure our system always perform at the highest standard from both data latency and scalability aspects, we have decided to revert Follow and Unfollow features into Limited Availability release.

The feature will be temporarily unavailable to all new customers while we work on upgrading our infrastructure and underlying deployment architecture. Starting from 26 April 2021, new SDK downloads will no longer contain follow / unfollow function and newly-generated API key will not be able to use the features. User profile, groups and feed features will remain unaffected. Existing customers who are already using the feature should also remain unaffected.

Our priority is to ensure we scale our system architecture to meet the increasing demand from our existing customers who are using the system to actively grow their community. Our engineering team is working to bring these features back to General Availability release by June 2021. Thank you for your understanding and we apologize for any inconvenience this may caused to our onboarding customers.

Last updated