

Amity SDK's do not store or manage any user data. This means that you do not have to import or migrate existing user profiles into the system, user management should be handled by your application code. Instead, every user is simply represented by a unique userID, which can be any string that uniquely identifies the user and is immutable throughout its lifetime.

A database primary key would make an ideal userID. Conversely, something like username or emails is not recommended as those values may change overtime.

If you wish to assign additional permissions for a user, for example moderation privileges or different sending limits, you can provide an array of roles to assign to this user. Roles are defined in the admin panel and can be tied to an unlimited number of users. Once again, Amity does not store or manage any user data, which means you do not have to import or migrate existing users into the system. It also means that Amity cannot provide user management functionalities like lists of users, or limit actions of certain users (e.g. user permissions). Instead, these functionalities should be handled by the rest of your application's capabilities and your server.

Descriptions of Users


Data Type





The id of this user



A list of user's roles



The display name of the user



The number of users that have flagged this user



The metadata of the user



A hash for checking internally if this user was flagged by the user



The date/time the user was created at



The date/time the user was updated at

Though the SDK does not store and should not be responsible for the handling User profile data for your application; We do provide tools to make some surface-level queries and searches for existing user accounts. With the help of our EkoUserRepository class, you would be able to list all the users, search for list of users whose display name matches your search query and get EkoUser object from user id.

User Details

Each EkoUser consists of a userId and displayName. The userId is immutable once the account is created, however the displayName can be updated at all times.

User repository

To get EkoUserRepository instance

                .sortBy(sortOption) // optional
                .subscribe( { adpater.submitList(it) } )

Query User

EkoUserRepository provides a convenient method getAllUsers() to fetch all users. You can observe for changes in collection, similar to message or channel. The method accepts EkoUserSortOption as an optional parameter. The list can be sorted by displayName, firstCreated or lastCreated.

                .sortBy(sortOption) // optional
                .subscribe( { adpater.submitList(it) } )

EkoUserRepository provides searchUserByDisplayName() method which allows you to query for users using their display name. It provides you with a LiveCollection of EkoUser whose display name matches with your search query. EkoUserSortOption is an optional parameter.

                .sortBy(sortOption) // optional
                .subscribe( { adpater.submitList(it) } )

The code above will provide you with the list of users which matches with display name "John".


has 3 enums type 1. EkoUserSortOption.DISPLAYNAME Sort by displayName 2. EkoUserSortOption.FIRST_CREATED Sort by firstCreated 3. EkoUserSortOption.LAST_CREATED Sort by lastCreated

Last updated